I live in a very charming Antique Town of Centerville, Indiana.  We even have an Antique Mall and a semi-yearly quilt show during Archway Days.  Centerville is famous for our brick archways, used for horse and buggy passage. 

I am the proud mother of four grown, bright and beautiful daughters and a few honorary daughters (they know who that are!).  We are also blessed with four grandchildren.  I have a wonderful husband Brian.  He is that wonderful guy that takes care of our county roads, including plowing snow.  He is also a hobby farmer tending to our black Angus cows (small herd) and several bee hives.  Brian also likes to cook, so he is a keeper! 

When I am not quilting, I work full time outside the home, doing customer service work for an automobile parts manufacturer.  You get the quilting connection there right?  Car parts make up cars that are used to drive to the fabric store, to buy fabric, to make quilts.

Visit My Face Book page to see more: It's Sew Natalie Designs



